IBANGS Core Tenets and Principles

The International Behavioural and Neural Genetics Society was established in 1996 to promote and facilitate the growth of research in the field of neural behavioral genetics. The society has members world wide that study the genetic basis of a wide range of behaviors and brain disorders together with the underlying neuronal mechanisms using diverse species. The goal is to understand the molecular pathways through which genes together with the environment affect behavior.

IBANGS is dedicated to the advancement and learning in cross-disciplinary fields relating to behavior and neural genetics. We recognize that IBANGS is a cross-disciplinary society, and with that come unique ethical and conduct considerations for its members. IBANGS is committed to providing a safe, welcoming environment for the discussion of a diversity of ideas and opinions across its international membership. We abide by the following Core Principles:

  1. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: IBANGS strives to facilitate collaboration among researchers from various disciplines, including genetics, neuroscience, psychology, and related fields, to advance understanding of behavior and neural genetics.

  2. Knowledge Exchange and Dissemination: IBANGS promotes the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and research findings through conferences, publications, and other platforms to enhance learning and discovery in the field.

  3. Ethical Conduct: IBANGS upholds the highest standards of ethical conduct in research, including respect for human and animal subjects, integrity in data collection and analysis, and transparency in reporting results.

  4. Education and Training: IBANGS supports education and training initiatives to develop the next generation of researchers in behavior and neural genetics, including students, early-career scientists, and professionals.

  5. Diversity and Inclusivity: IBANGS strives to foster a diverse and inclusive scientific community that values the contributions of individuals from all backgrounds and perspectives.

  6. Advocacy and Outreach: IBANGS advocates for the importance of behavior and neural genetics research in addressing societal challenges and promotes public understanding of the field through outreach activities and engagement with policymakers and the public.